WCC Workers Compensation Consultants

"We correct premium errors for all employers"
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Workers Compensation Claims Review -

This service is designed for all experience rated employers and employers using loss sensitive rating plans which include retro plans. Through this service we provide an independent, outside review of your workers compensation claims, claim reserves and insurance company claim handling practices.

Client Feedback...

Electronic Component Parts Manufacturer...
"Our business performs many different types of complicated work processes and we needed to have an independent opinion of the proper workers comp codes..."
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Auto Parts Wholesaler...
"Our insurance agent suggested we have WCC review our audit because there seemed to be a problem..."
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A Precision Machine Shop...
"A $110,000 bill came from our work comp insurance company after our last audit and we had not changed anything we do...
...read more

How To Request A Claims Review:

Email or Call our office at 573-489-8323 to discuss your specific claim review needs. We do not charge for our initial interview. During our initial interview we will discuss your specific situation, our qualifications and how best to design an approach and solution to meet your needs. If you make the decision to proceed with our services we will provide you with our fee schedule and payment plan options, set up your account and begin work on your workers compensation claims review.

Our Claim Review Service Includes:
  • Interviews and interactive consultation with our claim review specialists;
  • A written report of discoveries during our review;
  • A detailed review and analysis of your workers compensation claims and claim procedures;
  • A detailed review and analysis of all of existing claims;
  • A detailed review of all areas of past claims that effect current and past experience rating;
  • A complete independent review and analysis of current and past workers compensation claim reserves;
  • A complete independent review and analysis of current and past workers compensation claim payments;
  • A complete independent review and analysis of current and past workers compensation claim handling procedures by your insurance carriers;
  • Our independent opinion of the accuracy and effectiveness of your workers compensation claims, remember we work for you!

You'll find we do our best to provide all our services on an affordable basis. Go here for details on how our compensation plans work.

Once you decide to use our claim review service we will make arrangements to receive your retainer, confirm your order, complete our service agreement and schedule a time to begin work on your project. You can always contact us by Email or phone at 573-489-8323 (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm CST).

Not sure if you need a workers compensation claims review? Workers compensation claims directly effect all experience rated workers comp policies. Experience periods may vary, depending on the type of policy you have, but the effect of claims on workers compensation premium can not be disputed! It's the starting place for any employer interested in controlling or getting a handle on their ever increasing work comp premium.

Read through these questions before making your decision:
  • Is your Experience Modification Rate, EMR, greater than 1.0?
  • Are you aware of the direct effect reserving practices of your insurance company has on your experience rating?
  • Have you noticed your Experience Modification Rate, EMR, going up over the last several years?
  • Do you think your insurance company is not doing a good job settling your workers comp claims?
  • Have you suffered from a large workers comp claim?
  • Do you suffer from a frequency of small claims?
  • Have you ever had your workers compensation claims reviewed by an outside consultant?

It's estimated that 65% of workers compensation claims contain errors and up to 95% of all claims are overpaid or incorrectly settled by the insurance company. Staggering numbers when you take a minute to think about it!

Don't be a victim of poor claim practices by an insurance company. Contact our office today and see how we may help!
Contact Us:
Voice: (573) 489-8323
Fax: (573) 447-4998
email: [email protected]

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